Monday, October 25, 2010

Photo Op

The photo store I have been going to here is also an optometry office and store. People are buying cameras while other people are getting eye exams and picking out eyeglass frames. All in the same small space.

The guy who helped me with my camera-computer downloading problem was an optometrist. He was wearing a white coat and had just helped someone with their eyeglass prescription. It was kind of funny, but at the same time it made perfect sense. When you learn about the physics of the eye and brain, you see the similarity to shooting with a camera. And when you learn how a camera works, you see how it parallels how vision works.

"Also, your pictures are not in a good....mood," the optometrist said.

"My pictures are not in a good mood?" I repeated, trying not to laugh. "Yes, he said, "you must fix it so they are in a good mood. I show you."

It turns out he was trying to tell me to up the pixel setting on my camera. I did, and now my pictures are in a much better mood.

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